Source code for variants.views_api

"""API views for ``variants`` app."""
import typing

import attrs
import cattr
from django.db.models import Q
from projectroles.views_api import SODARAPIGenericProjectMixin, SODARAPIProjectPermission
from rest_framework import serializers
from rest_framework.exceptions import NotFound
from rest_framework.generics import (
from rest_framework.response import Response

from varfish.api_utils import VarfishApiRenderer, VarfishApiVersioning

# # TOOD: timeline update
from variants import query_presets
from variants.models import Case, SmallVariantQuery, FilterBgJob, SmallVariant
from variants.serializers import (

class VariantsApiBaseMixin(SODARAPIGenericProjectMixin):
    """Mixin to enforce project-based permissions."""

    permission_classes = [SODARAPIProjectPermission]

[docs]class CaseListApiView(VariantsApiBaseMixin, ListAPIView): """ List all cases in the current project. **URL:** ``/variants/api/case/{project.sodar_uid}/`` **Methods:** ``GET`` **Returns:** List of project details (see :py:class:`CaseRetrieveApiView`) """ renderer_classes = [VarfishApiRenderer] versioning_class = VarfishApiVersioning serializer_class = CaseSerializer def get_queryset(self): return Case.objects.filter(project=self.get_project()) def get_permission_required(self): return "variants.view_data"
[docs]class CaseRetrieveApiView( VariantsApiBaseMixin, RetrieveAPIView, ): """ Retrieve detail of the specified case. **URL:** ``/variants/api/case/{project.sodar_uuid}/{case.sodar_uuid}/`` **Methods:** ``GET`` **Returns:** - ``date_created`` - creation timestamp (ISO 8601 ``str``) - ``date_modified`` - modification timestamp (ISO 8601 ``str``) - ``index`` - index sample name (``str``) - ``name`` - case name (``str``) - ``notes`` - any notes related to case (``str`` or ``null``) - ``num_small_vars`` - number of small variants (``int`` or ``null``) - ``num_svs`` - number of structural variants (``int`` or ``null``) - ``pedigree`` - ``list`` of ``dict`` representing pedigree entries, ``dict`` have keys - ``sex`` - PLINK-PED encoded biological sample sex (``int``, 0-unknown, 1-male, 2-female) - ``father`` - father sample name (``str``) - ``mother`` - mother sample name (``str``) - ``name`` - current sample's name (``str``) - ``affected`` - PLINK-PED encoded affected state (``int``, 0-unknown, 1-unaffected, 2-affected) - ``has_gt_entries`` - whether sample has genotype entries (``boolean``) - ``project`` - UUID of owning project (``str``) - ``release`` - genome build (``str``, one of ``["GRCh37", "GRCh37"]``) - ``sodar_uuid`` - case UUID (``str``) - ``status`` - status of case (``str``, one of ``"initial"``, ``"active"``, ``"closed-unsolved"``, ``"closed-uncertain"``, ``"closed-solved"``) - ``tags`` - ``list`` of ``str`` tags """ lookup_field = "sodar_uuid" lookup_url_kwarg = "case" renderer_classes = [VarfishApiRenderer] versioning_class = VarfishApiVersioning serializer_class = CaseSerializer def get_queryset(self): return Case.objects.filter(project=self.get_project()) def get_permission_required(self): return "variants.view_data"
class SmallVariantQueryApiMixin(VariantsApiBaseMixin): lookup_field = "sodar_uuid" lookup_url_kwarg = "smallvariantquery" renderer_classes = [VarfishApiRenderer] versioning_class = VarfishApiVersioning serializer_class = SmallVariantQuerySerializer def get_queryset(self): if self.request.user.is_superuser: return SmallVariantQuery.objects.all() elif self.request.user.is_anonymous: return SmallVariantQuery.objects.none() else: return SmallVariantQuery.objects.filter(Q(user=self.request.user) | Q(public=True)) def get_permission_required(self): return "variants.view_data"
[docs]class SmallVariantQueryListApiView(SmallVariantQueryApiMixin, ListAPIView): """List small variant queries for the given Case. **URL:** ``/variants/api/query-case/list/{case.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``GET`` **Parameters:** - ``page`` - specify page to return (default/first is ``1``) - ``page_size`` -- number of elements per page (default is ``10``, maximum is ``100``) **Returns:** - ``count`` - number of total elements (``int``) - ``next`` - URL to next page (``str`` or ``null``) - ``previous`` - URL to next page (``str`` or ``null``) - ``results`` - ``list`` of case small variant query details (see :py:class:`SmallVariantQuery`) """ def get_queryset(self): qs = super().get_queryset() case = get_object_or_404( Case.objects.filter(project=self.get_project()), sodar_uuid=self.kwargs["case"] ) return qs.filter(case=case)
[docs]class SmallVariantQueryCreateApiView(SmallVariantQueryApiMixin, CreateAPIView): """Create new small variant query for the given case. **URL:** ``/variants/api/query-case/create/{case.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``POST`` **Parameters:** - ``form_id``: query settings form (``str``, use ``"variants.small_variant_filter_form"``) - ``form_version``: query settings version (``int``, only valid: ``1``) - ``query_settings``: the query settings (``dict``, cf. :ref:`api_json_schemas_case_query_v1`) - ``name``: optional string (``str``, defaults to ``None``) - ``public``: whether or not this query (settings) are public (``bool``, defaults to ``False``) **Returns:** JSON serialization of case small variant query details (see :py:class:`SmallVariantQuery`) """ def get_serializer_context(self): result = super().get_serializer_context() result["case"] = Case.objects.get(sodar_uuid=self.kwargs["case"]) return result
[docs]class SmallVariantQueryRetrieveApiView(SmallVariantQueryApiMixin, RetrieveAPIView): """Retrieve small variant query details for the qiven query. **URL:** ``/variants/api/query-case/retrieve/{query.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``GET`` **Parameters:** None **Returns:** JSON serialization of case small variant query details (see :py:class:`SmallVariantQuery`) """
@attrs.define class JobStatus: status: typing.Optional[str] = None JobStatus.INITIAL = JOB_STATE_INITIAL JobStatus.RUNNING = JOB_STATE_RUNNING JobStatus.DONE = JOB_STATE_DONE JobStatus.FAILED = JOB_STATE_FAILED class StatusSerializer(serializers.Serializer): status = serializers.CharField(max_length=100)
[docs]class SmallVariantQueryStatusApiView(SmallVariantQueryApiMixin, RetrieveAPIView): """Returns the status of the small variant query. **URL:** ``/variants/api/query-case/status/{query.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``GET`` **Parameters:** None **Returns:** ``dict`` with one key ``status`` (``str``) """ serializer_class = StatusSerializer def get_object(self): query = super().get_object() filter_job = FilterBgJob.objects.select_related("bg_job").get(smallvariantquery=query) return JobStatus(status=filter_job.bg_job.status)
[docs]class SmallVariantQueryUpdateApiView(SmallVariantQueryApiMixin, UpdateAPIView): """Update small variant query for the qiven query. **URL:** ``/variants/api/query-case/update/{query.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``PUT``, ``PATCH`` **Parameters:** - ``name``: new name attribute of the query - ``public``: whether or not to make this query public **Returns:** JSON serialization of updated case small variant query details (see :py:class:`SmallVariantQuery`) """ serializer_class = SmallVariantQueryUpdateSerializer def get_serializer_context(self): result = super().get_serializer_context() result["case"] = self.get_object().case return result
[docs]class SmallVariantQueryFetchResultsApiView(SmallVariantQueryApiMixin, ListAPIView): """Fetch results for small variant query. Will return a HTTP 400 if the results are not ready yet. **URL:** ``/variants/api/query-case/results/{query.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``GET`` - ``page`` - specify page to return (default/first is ``1``) - ``page_size`` -- number of elements per page (default is ``10``, maximum is ``100``) **Returns:** - ``count`` - number of total elements (``int``) - ``next`` - URL to next page (``str`` or ``null``) - ``previous`` - URL to next page (``str`` or ``null``) - ``results`` - ``list`` of results (``dict``) """ serializer_class = SmallVariantForResultSerializer def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._query = None def get(self, *args, **kwargs): result = super().get(*args, **kwargs) query = self._get_query() job = FilterBgJob.objects.get(smallvariantquery=query) if job.bg_job.status == "done": return result else: if job.bg_job.status == "failed": reason = "query failed" else: reason = "query result not available yet" return Response(data={"reason": reason}, status=503) def _get_query(self): if not self._query: if self.request.user.is_superuser: qs = SmallVariantQuery.objects.all() elif self.request.user.is_anonymous: qs = SmallVariantQuery.objects.none() else: qs = SmallVariantQuery.objects.filter(Q(user=self.request.user) | Q(public=True)) self._query = get_object_or_404(qs, sodar_uuid=self.kwargs["smallvariantquery"]) return self._query def get_queryset(self): query = self._get_query() return SmallVariant.objects.filter(smallvariantquery=query, case_id=query.case_id) def get_permission_required(self): return "variants.view_data"
[docs]class SmallVariantQuerySettingsShortcutApiView( VariantsApiBaseMixin, RetrieveAPIView, ): """ Generate query settings for a given case by certain shortcuts. **URL:** ``/variants/api/query-case/settings-shortcut/{case.uuid}`` **Methods:** ``GET`` **Parameters:** - ``database`` - the database to query, one of ``"refseq"`` (default) and ``"ensembl"`` - ``quick_preset`` - overall preset selection using the presets below, valid values are - ``defaults`` - applies presets that are recommended for starting out without a specific hypothesis - ``de_novo`` - applies presets that are recommended for starting out when the hypothesis is dominannt inheritance with *de novo* variants - ``dominant`` - applies presets that are recommended for starting out when the hypothesis is dominant inheritance (but not with *de novo* variants) - ``homozygous_recessive`` - applies presets that are recommended for starting out when the hypothesis is recessive with homzygous variants - ``compound_heterozygous`` - applies presets that are recommended for starting out when the hypothesis is recessive with compound heterozygous variants - ``recessive`` - applies presets that are recommended for starting out when the hypothesis is recessive mode of inheritance - ``x_recessive`` - applies presets that are recommended for starting out when the hypothesis is X recessive mode of inheritance - ``clinvar_pathogenic`` - apply presets that are recommended for screening variants for known pathogenic variants present Clinvar - ``mitochondrial`` - apply presets recommended for starting out to filter for mitochondrial mode of inheritance - ``whole_exomes`` - apply presets that return all variants of the case, regardless of frequency, quality etc. - ``inheritance`` - preset selection for mode of inheritance, valid values are - ``any`` - no particular constraint on inheritance (default) - ``dominant`` - allow variants compatible with dominant mode of inheritance (includes *de novo* variants) - ``homozygous_recessive`` - allow variants compatible with homozygous recessive mode of inheritance - ``compound_heterozygous`` - allow variants compatible with compound heterozygous recessive mode of inheritance - ``recessive`` - allow variants compatible with recessive mode of inheritance of a disease/trait (includes both homozygous and compound heterozygous recessive) - ``x_recessive`` - allow variants compatible with X_recessive mode of inheritance of a disease/trait - ``mitochondrial`` - mitochondrial inheritance (also applicable for "clinvar pathogenic") - ``custom`` - indicates custom settings such that none of the above inheritance settings applies - ``frequency`` - preset selection for frequencies, valid values are - ``dominant_super_strict`` - apply thresholds considered "very strict" in a dominant disease context - ``dominant_strict`` - apply thresholds considered "strict" in a dominant disease context (default) - ``dominant_relaxed`` - apply thresholds considered "relaxed" in a dominant disease context - ``recessive_strict`` - apply thresholds considered "strict" in a recessiv disease context - ``recessive_relaxed`` - apply thresholds considered "relaxed" in a recessiv disease context - ``custom`` - indicates custom settings such that none of the above frequency settings applies - ``impact`` - preset selection for molecular impact values, valid values are - ``null_variant`` - allow variants that are predicted to be null variants - ``aa_change_splicing`` - allow variants that are predicted to change the amino acid of the gene's protein and also splicing variants - ``all_coding_deep_intronic`` - allow all coding variants and also deeply intronic ones - ``whole_transcript`` - allow variants from the whole transcript (exonic/intronic) - ``any_impact`` - allow any predicted molecular impact - ``custom`` - indicates custom settings such that none of the above impact settings applies - ``quality`` - preset selection for variant call quality values, valid values are - ``super_strict`` - very stricdt quality settings - ``strict`` - strict quality settings, used as the default - ``relaxed`` - relaxed quality settings - ``any`` - ignore quality, all variants pass filter - ``custom`` - indicates custom settings such that none of the above quality settings applies - ``chromosomes`` - preset selection for selecting chromosomes/regions/genes allow/block lists, valid values are - ``whole_genome`` - the defaults settings selecting the whole genome - ``autosomes`` - select the variants lying on the autosomes only - ``x_chromosome`` - select variants on the X chromosome only - ``y_chromosome`` - select variants on the Y chromosome only - ``mt_chromosome`` - select variants on the mitochondrial chromosome only - ``custom`` - indicates custom settings such that none of the above chromosomes presets applies - ``flags_etc`` - preset selection for "flags etc." section, valid values are - ``defaults`` - the defaults also used in the user interface - ``clinvar_only`` - select variants present in Clinvar only - ``user_flagged`` - select user_flagged variants only - ``custom`` - indicates custom settings such that none of the above flags etc. presets apply **Returns:** - ``presets`` - a ``dict`` with the following keys; this mirrors back the quick presets and further presets selected in the parameters - ``quick_presets`` - one of the ``quick_presets`` preset values from above - ``inheritance`` - one of the ``inheritance`` preset values from above - ``frequency`` - one of the ``frequency`` preset values from above - ``impact`` - one of the ``impact`` preset values from above - ``quality`` - one of the ``quality`` preset values from above - ``chromosomes`` - one of the ``chromosomes`` preset values from above - ``flags_etc`` - one of the ``flags_etc`` preset values from above - ``query_settings`` - a ``dict`` with the query settings ready to be used for the given case; this will follow :ref:`api_json_schemas_case_query_v1`. """ lookup_field = "sodar_uuid" lookup_url_kwarg = "case" renderer_classes = [VarfishApiRenderer] versioning_class = VarfishApiVersioning serializer_class = SettingsShortcutsSerializer def get_queryset(self): return Case.objects.filter(project=self.get_project()) def get_object(self, *args, **kwargs): quick_preset = self._get_quick_presets() fields_dict = attrs.fields_dict(query_presets.QuickPresets) changes_raw = { key: self.request.query_params[key] for key in fields_dict if key in self.request.query_params } if "database" in changes_raw: changes = {"database": changes_raw.pop("database")} else: changes = {} changes.update({key: fields_dict[key].type[value] for key, value in changes_raw.items()}) quick_preset = attrs.evolve(quick_preset, **changes) return SettingsShortcuts( presets={key: getattr(quick_preset, key).value for key in fields_dict}, query_settings=cattr.unstructure( quick_preset.to_settings(self._get_pedigree_members()) ), ) def _get_quick_presets(self) -> query_presets.QuickPresets: """"Return quick preset if given in request.query_params""" if "quick_preset" in self.request.query_params: qp_name = self.request.query_params["quick_preset"] if qp_name not in attrs.fields_dict(query_presets._QuickPresetList): raise NotFound(f"Could not find quick preset {qp_name}") return getattr(query_presets.QUICK_PRESETS, qp_name) else: return query_presets.QUICK_PRESETS.defaults def _get_pedigree_members(self) -> typing.Tuple[query_presets.PedigreeMember]: """Return pedigree members for the queried case.""" case = self.get_queryset().get(sodar_uuid=self.kwargs["case"]) return tuple( query_presets.PedigreeMember( family=None, name=entry["patient"], father=entry["father"], mother=entry["mother"], sex=query_presets.Sex(entry["sex"]), disease_state=query_presets.DiseaseState(entry["affected"]), ) for entry in case.pedigree ) def get_permission_required(self): return "variants.view_data"