
Working With Sodar Core

VarFish is based on the Sodar Core framework which has a developer manual itself. It is worth reading its development instructions. The following lists the most important topics:

Running Tests

Running the VarFish test suite is easy, but can take a long time to finish (>10 minutes).

$ make test

You can exclude time-consuming UI tests:

$ make test-noselenium

If you are working on one only a few tests, it is better to run them directly. To specify them, follow the path to the test file, add the class name and the test function, all separated by a dot:

$ python test -v2 --settings=config.settings.test variants.tests.test_ui.TestVariantsCaseFilterView.test_variant_filter_case_multi_bookmark_one_variant

This would run the UI tests in the variants app for the case filter view.

Working With Git

In this section we will briefly describe the workflow how to contribute to VarFish. This is not a git tutorial and we expect basic knowledge. We recommend gitready for any questions regarding git. We do use git rebase a lot.

In general, we recommend to work with git gui and gitk.

The first thing for you to do is to create a fork of our github repository in your github space. To do so, go to the VarFish repository and click on the Fork button in the top right.

Update Main

Pull with rebase on gitready

$ git pull --rebase

Create Working Branch

Always create your working branch from the latest main branch. Use the ticket number and description as name, following the format <ticket_number>-<ticket_title>, e.g.

$ git checkout -b 123-adding-useful-feature

Write A Sensible Commit Message

A commit message should only have 72 characters per line. As the first line is the representative, it should sum up everything the commit does. Leave a blank line and add three lines of github directives to reference the issue.

Fixed serious bug that prevented user from doing x.

Closes: #123
Related-Issue: #123
Projected-Results-Impact: none

Cleanup Before Pull Request

We suggest to first squash your commits and then do a rebase to the main branch.

Squash Multiple Commits (Or Use Amend)

Pull with rebase on gitready

We prefer to have only one commit per feature (most of the time there is only one feature per branch). When your branch is rebased on the main branch, do:

$ git rebase -i main

Alternatively, you can always use git commit --amend to modify your last commit. This allows you also to change your latest commit message.

Rebase To Main

Make sure your main is up-to-date. In you branch, do:

$ git checkout 123-adding-useful-feature
$ git rebase main

In case of conflicts, resolve them (find <<<< in conflicting files) and do:

$ git add conflicting.file
$ git rebase --continue

If unsure, abort the rebase:

$ git rebase --abort

Push To Origin

$ git push origin 123-adding-useful-feature

In case you squashed and/or rebased and already pushed the branch, you need to force the push:

$ git push -f origin 123-adding-useful-feature