.. _variants_cases: ================ Variants & Cases ================ .. contents:: The variants are assigned to **Cases**. Use the :guilabel:`Cases` link on the left to see all cases in a project. Then, click on the case name to go to the case's detail view. ---------------- Case Detail View ---------------- On the case detail view, you can see the following information: **Details** Case detail information such a creation date, case name, and name of individuals. **Pedigree** The full pedigree information with the information whether variants are present for the individuals (i.e., whether it was sequenced). **Flagged Variants** The variants flagged in the individual. **Comment Variants** The variants that were commented in the individual. **Background Jobs Overview** List of background job for this case, e.g., for file export generation. .. figure:: figures/case_details.png :alt: The details view for a case. :width: 80% :align: center The case details view for the demo case. Note the details on the different aspects of the case and in particular the :guilabel:`Filter Case` and :guilabel:`ClinVar Report` buttons on the top right. Case Detail View Actions ======================== On the top right, you can see the following button: :guilabel:`Filter Case` This takes you to the :ref:`variants_filtration` view. Here you can filter the case's variant by a multitude of criteria including genotype, call quality, and variant effect.