.. _api_case: ================ Case & Query API ================ The REST API for case access and is described in this section. Cases are not managed directly but through the :ref:`api_importer`. ---------- Versioning ---------- For accept header versioning, the following media type and version are expected in the current VarFish version: .. code-block:: console Accept: application/vnd.bihealth.varfish+json; version=0.23.9 ----------- Return Data ----------- The return data for each request will be a JSON document unless otherwise specified. If return data is not specified in the documentation of an API view, it will return the appropriate HTTP status code along with an optional ``detail`` JSON field upon a successfully processed request. For creation views, the ``sodar_uuid`` of the created object is returned along with other object fields. -------------- Query Settings -------------- The query follows a :ref:`JSON Schema `. --------- API Views --------- .. currentmodule:: variants.views_api .. autoclass:: CaseListApiView .. autoclass:: CaseRetrieveApiView .. autoclass:: SmallVariantQueryListApiView .. autoclass:: SmallVariantQueryCreateApiView .. autoclass:: SmallVariantQueryRetrieveApiView .. autoclass:: SmallVariantQueryStatusApiView .. autoclass:: SmallVariantQueryUpdateApiView .. autoclass:: SmallVariantQueryFetchResultsApiView .. autoclass:: SmallVariantQuerySettingsShortcutApiView